A tale of two toes
At last I have a diagnosis for my foot pain - it's got the grand name Morton's neuroma . Thanks Morton for giving it a name - I really appreciate it. So let's step back (no pun intended) a bit before the diagnosis. Lovely dog, Molly, loves to jump and stamp her feet. She really is very sweet but I don't encourage the jumping as she's a large greyhound. But because I haven't been able to take her out for long walks, she's fizzing with energy. Three weeks ago, she was so excited about something that I can't recall now and she took a huge jump and landed on my little toe. Next to the one that's causing me trouble. Anyway, as luck would have it, I had an appointment with the Pod (podiatry) team the following week who confirmed that it was broken. So now I had two toes causing me pain. I couldn't take the dog out at all. I couldn't get anything on my feet. Last week I had another appointment with the Pod team. This time for an ultrasound. Sadly t...