Video evidence of what I'm up against
One of the lovely ladies on the trek in April next year found a video on YouTube by Russell Morgan Davies who took part in the trek in April 2015. It's been really helpful to see what people wear (we have a kit list but we're obsessing on it just ever so slightly) and what we might expect. I am now excited and terrified in equal measures. I am not a person known for bravery. Nursing lovely daughter, and then Tim were the hardest and scariest things I've ever had to do in my life. And I figure that nothing will come close to that, so what am I scared of? Here are my top five lists of good things and not so good things:
Not so good things list:
Good things list:
- Sheep (oh, they are just adorable).
- Donkeys (I might have to smuggle one home).
- Beetles (I love the little critters - especially the shiny ones).
- Portaloos at least at one of the camps (another lady on the trek and I have been a bit anxious about the loo situation).
- Wow! That architecture (and a jolly good party at the end).
Not so good things list:
- Ants (they really do freak me out).
- Tripping hazards (I'm quite famous for projectile tripping - I can fly for miles before landing on my knees).
- Heights (I'm getting better at this but toes curling is a huge problem).
- Ledges (oh, my word - did you see those? Added with tripping and heights this could be a nightmare. I really don't want to be so scared of the drop that I don't look where I'm going, trip up and then projectile launch off the edge. But if that happens - it was so lovely knowing you all and thanks for cheering me on. I'll remember that on the way down.).
- I couldn't see Indiana Jones ANYWHERE!
So, I need to work on my lists - add to the first one and get a grip on my issues on the other. Easy. Just over six months to go.
Today's goal = do not trip over during my walk in the woods (there are no ledges, but those tree roots are devils. I swear they wait for me.)
Wish me luck!
PS - I've reached 48% of my fundraising goal.
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