Back in Blighty

I'm back in Blighty with my walking boots on and my trusty training partner by my side (well, she's never really by my side as she dawdles to sniff out interesting things and then races past me at super speed).

After the sunshine and warmth of Southern California it was surprisingly difficult to head out into the chilly wind. What's happened to me? Am I becoming soft in my old age? I'm the woman who loves the wind and the rain.... or have I been kidding myself? I like to think that I'm simply acclimatising for Jordan and that once the trek is over, I'll be back to searching out bad weather and wallowing around in it.

With only four-and-a-half weeks to go, I've also been accumulating my kit. The kids kindly came with me on a shopping expedition which was incredibly helpful - they really were on a mission to have me kitted out. I'm not a great shopper and become bored after half-an-hour. It's testament to their commitment that we were in the shop for an hour-and-a-half and ticked off most things on my list. I had to buy them lunch, but I suppose that was a small price to pay for having my own personal shoppers. Actually, we had a lovely time. I've made a diary note to take them Christmas shopping with me.... or maybe I could just give them my list?!

And talking of support, I received a lovely surprise in the post from a lovely friend - a badge encouraging me on, saying Keep Going. I love that. My friend and I discussed this and as I'll sew it onto my backpack, hopefully it will help the person behind me. Although I think that's a bit optimistic as I fully expect to be the last in line. You know that annoying person who lags behind, barely able to pick their feet up and moans, Are we there yet? every five minutes or so? If I don't come back, you know that my fellow trekkers will have shoved me off the mountain.

I can't believe that I've now reached 103% of my fundraising target. That's a whopping £3,196. I never thought I'd reach 50%, let alone over the target. Who on earth would sponsor a middle-aged, overweight, unfit woman? Well, you lovely lot did. Thank you.

While I was in California I received an anonymous large donation which pushed me from 91% to 100%. I was gobsmacked. Who would do such a thing? After putting a call-out on social media, Anonymous contacted me and it turned out to be a very dear friend. Very Dear Friend, if you're reading this, once again, thank you. I definitely owe you lunch.

Thank you, everyone - all those cheering me on and donating their precious money. I'm overwhelmed by the kindness I receive. This middle-aged, overweight, unfit woman feels very lucky indeed.

Jane Lomas is fundraising for The Brain Tumour Charity (

